System for manual packaging

A comprehensive line for manual packaging is our response to challenges faced by the companies packaging manually various products. The line from Milbor PMC combines all elements of this process into a consistent whole, increasing thus the accuracy of packaging and improving the labour productivity.

The 8 benefits resulting from the investment in a complete line for manual packaging

Higher accuracy of weighing

The application of accurate and easy to operate scales translates into smaller losses resulting from overweighing, which are extremely costly in the case of expensive fruits, such as raspberries, strawberries, or grapes.

Improvement in productivity

The practice shows that the labour monitoring increases the productivity (by approx. 30%) and personnel involvement, due to which the packaging department team can work more effectively.

Better work ergonomics

The equipment, which forms the line, facilitates the daily employees’ tasks, improving their motivation for work and also increases the personnel and product safety.

Easier process planning

Proprietary software generates readable reports on the production. Based on the data it is possible to effectively plan the next processes and to better allocate tasks to employees.

Faster changeover

The possibility of settings saving allows substantially to reduce the time of the whole line changeover for the next order.

Tailor-made lines for the investor

We offer personalised solutions adapted to the customer’s production needs and the infrastructure of a given packaging department.

Convenient and effective process management

The intuitive software allows for efficient production management based on specific data. The entire system is controlled from one computer.

Manufacture quality

The system was composed from the best sub-assemblies, which translates into a long operating life of the line and a lower failure risk.

Higher accuracy of weighing

The application of accurate and easy to operate scales translates into smaller losses resulting from overweighing, which are extremely costly in the case of expensive fruits, such as raspberries, strawberries, or grapes.

Improvement in productivity

The practice shows that the labour monitoring increases the productivity (by approx. 30%) and personnel involvement, due to which the packaging department team can work more effectively.

Better work ergonomics

The equipment, which forms the line, facilitates the daily employees’ tasks, improving their motivation for work and also increases the personnel and product safety.

Easier process planning

Proprietary software generates readable reports on the production. Based on the data it is possible to effectively plan the next processes and to better allocate tasks to employees.

Faster changeover

The possibility of settings saving allows substantially to reduce the time of the whole line changeover for the next order.

Tailor-made lines for the investor

We offer personalised solutions adapted to the customer’s production needs and the infrastructure of a given packaging department.

Convenient and effective process management

The intuitive software allows for efficient production management based on specific data. The entire system is controlled from one computer.

Manufacture quality

The system was composed from the best sub-assemblies, which translates into a long operating life of the line and a lower failure risk.

For planters and packaging companies, who care about high productivity and effectiveness of work. The line for manual packaging is a solution for companies, which want a high quality of fruits and other products.
This is a product developed thinking about the packaging of soft fruits, which due to their nature cannot be packed fully automatically, like strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, red currants, but also grapes, mushrooms, tomatoes on a branch, or fresh herbs.
Based on the experience of our customers, an investment in a system improving the process of manual weighing is profitable at the production of more than 150 tonnes of fruits in the season. At such a volume of production, the investment may pay back already after 2 years.

Our customer’s history

Fieldstone is a company specialising in growing soft fruits. The company is the biggest Polish supplier of raspberries to the fresh fruits market. The Fieldstone’s offer also includes cowberries and cranberries. The fruits are grown in three fields in various locations in Poland.
Facing a dynamic development of the business and difficulties related to employees’ recruitment, the company decided to automate the processes of soft fruits weighing and labelling. Before the implementation of the line for manual packaging Fieldstone did not have any other system, integrating the functions of tray weighing, fruits quality control, reporting, or the productivity. All those activities were carried out independently, which required involving numerous resources and generated the risk of neglect origination.
The understanding of customer’s processes and needs, which included a better control of work effectiveness and personnel supervision, became the key challenge. To achieve those objectives, we have designed and implemented a system consisting of a three-stage tray feeder, 8 manual scales together with the dedicated software. This solution allows for precise control of each package weight. The manual line for soft fruits weighing is equipped with light signals, it informs the employees about the consistency of trays weight and generates productivity reports for individual workplaces.
The implementation of the weighing system with the software enabled the customer to substantially optimise the production. Fieldstone recorded an increase in personnel effectiveness by 30%, which resulted in savings of around EUR 24,000 per season. In addition, the level of overweighing went down by 3% on a whole season scale, which generated concrete savings. Because of the delivered data and reports, the customer can better adapt the workplaces to individual predispositions of employees and also more effectively monitor the quality and weight of each tray.

Example line for manual packaging

The line for manual packaging is always designed in accordance with the customer’s needs, therefore its arrangement differs in individual cases. For example, it can consist of the following machines:


A multi-level conveyor for packages transport

A belt conveyor transporting packages and boxes containing packages with fruits. The feeder transfers the collected and preliminary sorted fruits to accurate weighing. The offer of Milbor PMC included various sizes and types of conveyors – two- and three-level ones.


Fruits weighing stand

An ergonomic stand integrated with accurate scales is used for precise weighing of product’s portion and rejecting pieces of fruits, which do not meet the quality criteria. The scales signal by colour the weighing accuracy and through that minimise the risk of making an error.


Sealing machine – tray sealer

An automated tray sealer is used to close packages with a layer of film. The top seal technology is increasingly often required by retailer chains and allows saving money spent on employing people to close packs with lids. The tray sealer may be used for various types of packaging.



The equipment used for automated labels sticking on closed packages with fruits. We have available equipment placing labels on the top, bottom, or side of a package, and also a multi-head Tandem-type labeller.


Control scale

The machine, which controls the packages weight. Its location in the line allows for better control of the final product and to avoid the risk of complaints from the retailer chains. In addition, the scales may be equipped with a metal detector.


Multi-level receiving table

It is used for convenient placement of closed packages to bigger containers, in which the products leave for the retailers or logistic centres. The receiving table is compatible with dimensions of plastic and cardboard containers/boxes.

Frequently asked questions

The price of a line heavily depends on its components. The cost of the investment project comprises prices of machines and the integration of equipment, and the software licence. For example, the price of a line consisting of 4 manual scales, conveyor, labeller, and receiving conveyor is approx. EUR 49,000. In turn, the price of a line with 12 scales, conveyor, labeller, and a receiving table is approx. EUR 78,000. To learn exact pricing, we encourage to contact Milbor PMC expert to prepare the cost estimate of the line adapted to specific needs.
Milbor PMC has a team of experienced servicemen, available 24/7, also in the season. Our customers very much value a quick response time of the service and the subject-matter preparation of technicians. Our own warehouse of spare parts enables us to immediately repair the defects.
We have been operating on the market of fresh fruits production automation since 2013. During that time, we have implemented more than 200 projects improving the work of planters and packaging companies in Europe and Morocco. Own experience in growing the blueberry allows us to perfectly understand the customer’s perspective and to suggest optimal solutions.
From 10 to 16 weeks pass from signing the contract to the line delivery to the customer. This period can vary depending on the degree of the project complexity, line size, and comprised machines.
It is possible to rent certain machines comprised by the line, e.g., a labeller or tray sealer. It is worth to talk to the salesman about such a possibility.
Yes. Sizes of certain machines (labeller, tray sealer) are constant, but the conveyors are manufactured by us, due to which we can affect their size and shape, and through that flexibly adapt them to the surfaces available at the customer’s.
Yes. Within the implementation the packaging department staff will be trained by us to operate individual machines and the software.

My name is Maciej Chmielewski and I am a Business Development Director at Milbor PMC.

I will be pleased to provide you more details on the system for manual packaging. A consultation will help you to understand better the approach of our company to the production integration and automation, and also to calculate benefits from the investment in fruit automation, as well as estimate the ROI.

I will make every effort to contact you within 24 hours.

Fill out the form and
reach a higher level of soft fruit packing.

Dofinansowanie Unia Europejska