Let’s start from the topic, which regularly appears in our contents. Namely, the machine casing and its design. At the stage of purchasing, it is worth checking, whether the operator has easy access to those elements, which are used every day. In the case of tray sealers, definitely the sealing tool is such a crucial point; it should feature a small weight (which does not require involvement of two people during the tool replacement), durable components and a possibility of assembling/disassembling without the use of tools. Toolless access to sub-assemblies is desired not only in the case of the tool, but also conveyors, knives, and transport arms. That results from a simple relationship: the more time is needed to replace/check a given sub-assembly, the worse for the operator and the production manager. Because less time spent on changeovers and servicing means more sealed packages and a greater profit.
The second point links with the first one. A complicated design and a complex casing make access to the dirty places difficult. The tray sealer operates at a high rate with great precision and the dirt on transport belts or other sub-assemblies can reduce the sealing quality. The accumulated dirt can even lead to permanent mechanical damage to a part. So regular cleaning is the key to efficient operation of the sealer, which is extended by unnecessary casing, surfaces with projections, or difficult dismantling of dirty elements. The key to the success is the simplicity and possibility of easy pulling out the sub-assemblies, which may be cleaned independently.
The belt feeding the packages is a crucial element of every tray sealer, not only due to the necessity for cleaning and easy access. The mechanism moving this belt determines the way, how the packages are transferred to the sealing tool. Fast operation of the sealer, which is the priority for many investors, implies the necessity of packages feeding at an appropriate pace. It is worth remembering that a high speed of belt operation can translate into instability of packs heading for the sealing tool. Sometimes even small deviations from the nominal position can cause that the arms directly loading packs with fruits to the sealing tool will not be capable of catching the packs, which result in downtimes. In extreme cases, fruits may fall out from the packs. So, the key to the success is not very fast (and sloppy) feeding of packs, but fast and precise feeding of packs with fruits to the tray sealer.
Machines by the Packaging Automation Ltd use the Syncroflex or SyncroflexPro technology. Both systems are aimed at trays stabilisation and keeping equal distances between them, which translates into the lack of errors and smooth production. At the same time the machine operates fast and efficiently, maximising the speed depending on the fed packages.
Each machine is equipped with operating elements that require periodical replacement. The same applies to the tray sealers. Our experience shows that it is worth drawing attention to the durability of silicone elements of sealing tools, rubber elements, and friction elements (e.g., film feeding brake). The practice shows that also the following need frequent replacement: knives, heaters and seals of the tool, and driving toothed belts. Furthermore, bearings and conveyor belts show higher durability.
How to recognise the quality of those sub-assemblies in a specific model? It is very difficult, especially for persons, who so far did not have experience with the sealers. The situation is complicated by the fact that a lot depends on the way of machine use – even the best solutions at unskilled operation wear out quickly.
Therefore, we suggest our readers to focus on something different. During the purchase it is worth paying attention to the access to the operating parts – the less time is needed for their replacement, the better. Moreover, it is worth to replace certain parts preventively to avoid failures and downtimes during the season. The Milbor PMC preventively replaces the driving belts during service activities. Even more, our company has a warehouse of spare parts in central Poland, due to which we can deliver to a customer parts that need replacement practically overnight.
One can think that a two-lane machine will feature a twice higher speed of operation, which will increase the plant productivity. This is an oversimplification. The tray sealer’s flow capacity is determined by other machines situated upstream in the packaging line, e.g., sorter or weighing machine and feeders, which transport the fruits between machines. Each of those sub-assemblies operates at its own productivity, which determines the capabilities of the next elements in the line. So, the number of sealed packages does not depend on the tray sealer operation speed, but on the entire line and a two-lane sealer may not reach its nominal output, because the ‘predecessors’ do not allow it. Another issue is the speed of packages delivery at the last stage to the sealer itself. We have written about that above. The feeding of packs with fruits cannot be too fast, because it results in the risk of packs turning and, due to that, downtimes of the machine. A two-lane machine operates faster, but definitely it will not double the productivity.
Another drawback of a machine with two lanes is a higher level of operation complication, which causes difficulties in daily operator’s tasks. The two-lane machines have also another disadvantage – they occupy more space and also require integrating with the line of additional conveyors (separating one lane into two channels and then going back to one lane), which generates additional costs and absorbs the next square metres in the packing department.
The compatibility of the main machine with the label printer and the film roll is a seemingly small, but actually a severe problem. To start the production, you must be certain that all three elements will work together. A conscious choice of the machine is a major challenge and if we add to that the necessity of choosing compatible equipment, the level of difficulty increases. The Milbor PMC delivers a whole set at the stage of sealer implementation (which is not a rule on the market), due to which you do not lose time for searching compatible additions.
On the market it is also possible to find sealers, in which the piston raising the bottom tool to the sealing tool is compressed air-driven. Our engineers emphasise that this is not an optimum solution. Firstly, the purchase of a compatible compressor means an additional cost for the investor and energy consumption. Secondly, such a compressor needs a skilled operator, which requires from him/her additional skills and the care of another element of the process during the machine operation. Thirdly, the use of electricity (instead of air) to raise the mechanism ensures a better control of the piston operation, e.g., a possibility of accelerating and braking.
For more than a decade the Milbor PMC delivers complete lines for fruits and vegetables packaging. The machines for packages sealing are one of key products in our offer. We have available a range of tray sealers made by a British potentate, the Packaging Automation Ltd., also the latest, extremely productive, REV5 model.
If you do not want to risk the line downtimes or low effectiveness of the investment in a new machine for packages sealing, fill in the following form and check the sealing equipment, which the Milbor PMC can offer. Trust the experts and gain the confidence that the most frequent problems with tray sealers will not apply to your line.
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Personalised packing and sorting lines
We provide comprehensive solutions tailored to the individual requirements of our clients. We are growing and constantly expanding our offerings, entering new segments in the fresh fruit and vegetable market. Let us design a unique line for you.
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