Tomato packing lines

We design and implement tomato packaging lines customised to meet growers’ specific needs and harvest volumes. Our range includes both manual and semi-automatic (dynamic weighing) packing solutions.

Linie do pakowania pomidorów

Manual packing line

We provide a solution that allows for visual inspection of product quality and precise verification of each container’s weight. This system ensures effective quality control for tomatoes but also for delicate fruits like raspberries, strawberries, and blackberries. A typical line includes manual scales, conveyor belts, a tray sealer, and a labelling machine.

System pakowania manualnego

Semi-automatic packing line

We develop a semi-automatic (dynamic weighing) system designed for precise verification of pre-weighed containers. The configured line allows for automated weight control, container sealing, and labelling, minimising the workforce required for final product preparation.

Dynamiczne linie do pakowania owoców miękkich

The line consists of machines that can also be purchased separately:

Zgrzewarka REV5, Traysealer REV5

Tray sealer REV5 – an innovative tray sealing machine

The sealing of packages with heat-shrinkable film was never so fast and effective! Discover the REV5 tray sealer, a new machine by Packaging Automation Ltd.
G3 Evolution weigh & fill machine

G3 Evolution weigh & fill machine

Here is the game-changer in automated fresh produce. The 3rd generation of world-leading weigh & fill machinery by American producer A&B Packing Equipment is now available on the European market.
Automatic checkweigher

Automatic checkweigher

Automatic checkweighers verify product weight, eliminate overfills, and ensure compliance with standards. Their stable construction, automatic reporting, and flexibility enable process optimization and full quality control.
automatic checkweigher with a metal detector

Automatic checkweigher with metal detector

The automatic checkweigher, equipped with a metal detector, precisely weighs products as well as effectively detects the presence of foreign objects in a packaging.

Control cabinet

The control machine is an advanced production line control system based on a Siemens PLC. It makes it possible to manage the entire system from one place.


A labelling kit for applying self-adhesive labels to the top, bottom, and side of packages transported on a conveyor belt.

Inspection table

It is the part of a sorting and packing line where the workers visually inspect the sorted fruit.
Lidding conveyors

Lidding conveyor

This conveyor is used to transport containers with fruit. We offer different types and shapes of conveyor belt conveyors.

Buffering conveyor

This conveyor optimizes the operation of machines such as the traysealer. It enables smooth stacking and entry of packages to the next line component.

Metal detector

Metal detectors are designed to detect foreign objects in finished product packages.
10-scale weigh & fill for blueberry

10-scale weigh & fill machine

Made by an American manufacturer, A&B Packing Equipment, this 10-scale weigh & fill is one of the most versatile and efficient machines for blueberry packing.
4-scale weigh & fill

4-scale weigh & fill for blueberries

This blueberry packing machine suits well the companies that process relatively low volume of fruits per season or have less space available in the pack house.

Vegetable conveyor

We offer a variety of vegetable conveyors, which are used to distribute products to different components/parts of the line.
Revolution tray sealer

Revolution tray sealer

The Revolution tray sealer is a fully automatic tray sealer that enables airtight sealing of packages containing various products with shrink film.

SL4 tray sealer machine

The SL4 tray sealer makes it possible to seal trays with containers filled with blueberries or other products with film on the top.
Stół odbiorczy

Receiving table

The receiving table is the final component of the fruit and vegetable packing line. It allows for the convenient transfer of sealed punnets into larger packages, such as crates or cartons, which are then sent to stores or wholesalers.

Separating conveyor – diverter

The separating conveyor is a key component of dynamic lines. Integrated with the checkweigher, the device determines which path a specific fruit package should follow based on its weight.
Stanowisko do ważenia owoców - Wiegestation für Obst - Fruit weighing station

Fruit weighing station

The fruit weighing station with an integrated scale allows for fast and accurate weighing of manually packed products while maintaining high work ergonomics.

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