Better monitoring of packhouse workers with the manual packing system

Linia sortująca do borówki

The manual packing line with Libra software optimises packing facility workforce management and increases work efficiency, addressing key challenges faced by employers in the fruit industry.

Lack of workforce and motivation

In conversations with our clients, the issue of finding suitable workers for seasonal jobs keeps coming back like a boomerang. The nature of the fruit business requires a large workforce over a span of several weeks. Seasonal work is demanding and, most importantly, does not provide a stable income throughout the year. It is no surprise that many people are reluctant to consider seasonal job offers for fruit picking, sorting, or packing. It is also becoming increasingly difficult to find workers from beyond the eastern border. The labour shortage is just one of the challenges faced by companies in the plantation sector. Even if a packing facility manages to assemble a workforce, employee engagement is low very commonly, and yet, a fruit trading company’s profit directly depends on the accuracy, punctuality, and speed of its workers.

Monitor or not to monitor? That is the question!

According to entrepreneurship theory, control is one of the fundamental functions of management. An employer monitors their employees to ensure they work according to guidelines, manage assigned resources efficiently, and follow the schedule. In the vast majority of organisations, control is a completely natural part of running a business and is widely accepted by employees.

Companies struggling to attract employees often fear that monitoring personnel will lead to resignations. However, our observations indicate that this is a mistaken assumption that ultimately lowers employee engagement. Unsupervised workers naturally tend to be less efficient, and the poor performance of some employees can demotivate others—if no one notices subpar work, why should I try harder? Conversely, work monitoring enhances employees’ external motivation and improves their efficiency. Increased productivity in one team member can also inspire greater engagement from others. Checking team performance, verifying results, and ensuring that efforts align with business goals is a natural expression of care for one’s business, an application of the principle of limited trust, and a demonstration of proactive leadership — traits that should define every entrepreneur.

The real question, therefore, is not whether to monitor employees, but how to do it in a way that boosts their motivation and efficiency?

monitorowanie pracowników pakowni - pudełko malin

Expert’s view

I believe it is important for people to understand why their work is being monitored, how it will impact their development, and to ensure that the resulting actions are reflected in reality.

Let’s start from the beginning:

  • Employees should know the goal set before them. Expectations should be clearly defined to avoid unnecessary stress and allow them to fully focus on their tasks.
  • Regularly reviewing an employee’s work or progress enables more frequent feedback, both positive and constructive. Proper preparation for giving feedback provides employees with a real opportunity for growth while also emphasising their value within the organisation. Perhaps additional training is needed, or monitoring might reveal untapped potential?
  • Regular analysis of work outcomes helps identify inefficient processes or actions, allowing employees to refine their methods and manage their time more effectively. Additionally, such analysis enables the organisation to recognise opportunities for optimizing processes on a broader scale, ultimately improving the efficiency of the entire team.

Anna Pajęcka, HEAD OF RECRUITMENT at PassionHR

Monitoring packing facility workers: how to do it right?

One of the main challenges of monitoring is the way employees are checked and feedback is delivered. Just as most of us perform better when our boss reviews our results, the vast majority dislike having someone constantly watching over them. Such intrusive monitoring can cause additional stress, leading to distraction and discouragement. Monitoring can also become demotivating for two other reasons. First, if feedback is provided in an inappropriate manner (e.g., threats, shouting, or comparisons with other employees). Second, if an employee’s evaluation is based on subjective data and opinions. In the latter case, there is a risk of manipulation by both the evaluator and the evaluated employee. Furthermore, subjective monitoring often results in the employee feeling unfairly treated.

Expert’s opinion

Proper preparation before providing employee feedback is also critical. It is essential to create favourable conditions for a feedback conversation. The person providing feedback should know how to do so effectively and constructively. Even positive feedback delivered in inappropriate circumstances can have the opposite effect.

In the preparation process, it is crucial to rely on concrete data and facts. A work monitoring system provides real information, forming a solid foundation for discussion. However, it is important to remember that results are just one side of the coin – equally important is understanding the employee’s perspective regarding this data. As mentioned earlier, process and work analysis support employee development and contribute to the growth of the entire organisation.

Anna Pajęcka, HEAD OF RECRUITMENT at PassionHR

Libra facilitates effective monitoring of packing facility workers

Let’s summarise the key takeaways:

  • The lack of workforce is a primary challenge for businesses in the fruit sector.
  • Control is one of the fundamental management functions and is present in the vast majority of companies.
  • Monitoring increases employees’ overall motivation, and greater individual engagement stimulates other team members.
  • Intrusive and subjective control leads to employee discouragement.
  • Maintaining high standards of control and providing feedback is a characteristic of well-managed companies that care about business growth.

Keeping these points in mind, we have developed a comprehensive solution for monitoring the performance of companies manually packing fruits, vegetables, and more. It consists of two components.

The first is a manual packing line. We design manual packing lines for soft fruits and other delicate products that cannot be processed by machines. These systems, comprising our scales and conveyors, are custom-designed for each client, ensuring the company receives infrastructure tailored to the packing facility’s dimensions.

The second component is our proprietary Libra software, which monitors the speed and accuracy of weighing at individual weighing stations and provides real-time results, followed by a detailed report. Libra delivers precise data, allowing you to objectively assess the performance of individual employees and teams. This data serves as a basis for fair feedback and as an argument in discussions with employees. The figures generated by Libra practically eliminate accusations of unfair treatment or favouritism among workers.

Monitoring packing facility workers. What are the benefits of implementing a system?

Theoretical discussions about the motivation of seasonal workers may be met with skepticism by those who have been dealing with the practical aspects of this issue for years. That is why we complement theory with real results from implementing a manual packing line with Libra at Fieldstone. After the first season of using our solution, the company observed a 30% increase in worker productivity, resulting in savings of 24,000 EUR per season. At the same time, the line allowed for a 3% reduction in overweighing on an annual scale.

A performance improvement of up to 30% may not only stem from workers being aware that their work is being monitored. Gamification could also play a role in boosting performance. In simple terms, many people naturally engage more in an activity when an element of competition or storytelling is introduced. This trait of the human mind is effectively used by video game creators, whose narratives draw players in as the story unfolds, while leaderboards motivate them to perform even better. While fruit packing does not involve storytelling, introducing competition among workers can encourage them to improve their performance and add variety to repetitive tasks.

Ergonomics improves efficiency

The manual packing line with performance monitoring software enhances employee engagement in another way. The components of the line are designed with work ergonomics in mind. High-quality materials, overweight signal lighting, and a well-thought-out design of weighing stations and conveyors provide packing facility staff with the tools to work faster and more accurately. And since work efficiency increases, the company can either pack a larger volume of goods or maintain the same production volume while reducing the packing team, thereby lowering labour costs.

Increase efficiency in your packing facility with Milbor PMC

Our company has been specialising in optimizing fruit and vegetable packing processes since 2013. During this time, we have completed over 200 projects across almost all of Europe and North Africa. Our proprietary manual packing lines with dedicated software are a new addition to our offer — a system that can significantly improve production efficiency as well as work organisation in your company. If you believe this might be the right solution for you or simply have more questions about manual packing lines, fill out the form below and contact our consultant to learn more about this product.


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